One hopes that nothing more happens in Thimarafushi, now that the election results have been declared, giving Mohamed Mustafa of the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) a narrow victory margin of 50 votes. Further litigation is unlikely to change the ground reality and will only vitiate the atmosphere further.
The most Ghassan Maumoon could hope for from taking the matter to the court would be nullify Mustafa's candidacy based on an old court case. If that happens many people in the constituency, particularly in Thimarafushi would feel cheated.
Whatever the truth, many Thimarafushi citizens nurse a long standing grudge that their island –the thickest populated in the area –has never had representation in the Majlis because of widespread vote rigging.
But today it is the moment of their victory. "I am very happy. This victory belongs to the people of this island and the history of this island is changing," an islander told Minivan News. "Because we have a lot of development plans. An airport, city hotels and a yacht marina."
So let the islanders enjoy their revelry and dreams while they last.
[Title photo from http://myislandthimarafushi.blogspot.com/]
i hope golhaa has learnt his lesson. he should now leave Maldives.
Electing an uneducated guy like Mustafa will put the clock back for thimarafushi by at least 10 years. oh yes, he will promise to make flats and airport. good luck.
Electing an educated guy like Maumoon for president as maldives has kept us in darkness for 30 year...
dont speak about education, being a politician needs experience, not education and life in a palace..
I think thimarafushi saga is done...
EXCEPT that Umar naseer will be in high court on behalf of DRP veru soon...Umar campaigned for DRP candidate and abandoned his own party candidate LOL
The man is drowning in debt & every dirty game in the country. How the hell the Thimarafushians accept this man is beyond sanity. The sad truth is the other islanders are gonna suffer so much because of this uneducated, thuggish imbecile.
However the people of Thimarafushi truly deserve him.
Good luck.
It really shows the state of the nation when one has to choose from someone who represent 30 years of dictatorship while the other a well known th***(essman). So end the end th*** won the fight so I hear them say its OK as long as he our th***. Thimarafushi and this whole godforsaken country will remain the same let the optimistic people dream the cynics sleep.
Thimarafushi meehun kaireega mabunan oy vaahaka akee thi thibee boan ulhunu bondi bovifaey. dhen lalala
You and so many others do not truly know DARKNESS just yet. Wait a couple of years and you will know darkness.
MDP will bring a new meaning to the term peoples grief, darkness and sorrow to these islands.
MDP = uneducated thugs. Nothing else. And what the hell are you talking about "experience" lol! what experience? In thug wars? Disharmony, drugs, violence, and every other crime known to man? Definitely NOT in good governance, economics, development, infrastructure, or anything worthwhile. MDP is a joke. Any sane, educated man will vouch for this.
Say whatever you want, but Maumoon brought this country to this state it is in - everything good and bad. And the good so much outweighs any bad seen within the last 30 years. The MDP however will even take that away from the poor people.
Well, good luck to my fellow Maldivian.
lets c wat happens, but there is onething i wud like to say that is 'money cant by everything and promises would fade in time" so u thimarafushi people better make that musthufaa do wat he promises, i have a bad feeling about this eventhough thats not my island
hehehe. Mustafa fulfilling promises? hehehe. he is a dhamaa kandaa, who can't be trusted with a 'bai rufiyaa'. Has he delivered any promise ever? ask his creditors. hehehe. LOL
It just cant be buried that Maumoon broght progress to this Nation.And at the same beath Maldivians shud take the blame for the state of affairs in this country.Dont tell me that just one guy or a gang broguht this nation down to the knees.One example is the fact that ADK has closed down the Gynaecology Department bcos no sane doc want to come and serve the people of this country.The people have been taught by MDP acy they want in this island nation,tear apart the social fabric and then rule with fear.This is the machinations of the ruling minds.They simply are the agents of the global masters.Dont blame Qayyoom for all the distress u guys are feeling over there.Whether Qayyooms ruling or MDP ,Maldivians will be fooled by politicians as its anywhere in the world.Hospitals, Five star Hotels,World Class Uni on every Island.Who is sane.The people or the master politicians
I truly hope DRP or Umar wouldnt go to court with Musthafa's debt. It will only make things worse. Let us breathe now. However it's funny when MDP bigwigs argue that Musthafa doesnt have to be responsible for his own company's debts. If the matter is taken to court Musthafa might lose the case but this whole debt story is well known to the people of Thimarafushi when they elected him. They do know what kind of a person he is. So let them have him and let him fulfill his promises for an airport and a marina.
"an old court case"???
Dr Waheed. You seem to suggest if a case is old it isnt that important. Mustafa's case is "old" because he didnt pay his debts until now.
Annonymous 2:39..
Dr Waheed does not claim to be objective.. He just gives his own biased view.. which is alright.. since it is his own blog.. The only problem is that many people who have known Dr Waheed from days past will still think he is objective..
Congratulations to Mustafaa.
Call whatever you like to Mustafa but even at his worst he is better than a Gayoom.
Ofcourse Mustapha is not the right candidate but no one wants to see a Gayoom -ever. if only Gassan realizes the damage his mon and dad and uncles has done do a used to be a beautiful country called Maldives he wouldn't dare show up his fat face.
Gassan.. You reap the corruption you sow. Have a taste of it. Its time to taste your parents own medicine.
I would appreciate if you could write something about the case of Mr. Richard Wu Mei De http://richardwumeide.blogspot.com/
I am puzzled. What is the truth behind this?
To Anonymous 11.25:
Thanks for the suggestion. But unfortunately it won't be ethical for me to write here on a topic which comes in my area of offical work. Since you have already read Wu Mei De's website, you may wish to read a commentary on it at www.randomrelfexions.com.
Dr. Waheed. If it is not ethical for you write it here then please let us know via any other medium (be it 25 maalan) about the Richard.
what i believe is Mr. Nasheed is our president and introduced many good things and musthafa is MP for thimarafushi, and the whole world believes that Maumoon is the father of this modern maldives, beautiful maldives and Maldives the sunny side of life, begun to hear only after 1980's. have any one remember a Qari from Pakistan brought to male and peoples were taught to recite Quran with tajveed,have any one remember peoples from the islands was free to come male after Maumoon cancelled the Kuda sitee,.... he is now no more of our president, let him live as we want live in this beautiful maldives, let's try to build a better modern maldives.
To Anonymous blogger 8.45 AM:
A press release has already been issued in February. If the question is asked by a reporter in 25 Maalan or any other forum it will certainly be answered.
So whats wrong in electing Mustafa. He is a son of Thimarafushi, and the people there know the best for them. He is a smart and capable man and he will be careful not to fall victim to the traps of enemies.After all Thimarafushi was grossly neglected during the previous Government and now it was their turn to avenge Gayoom. Moreover, not many people want Gayom family to rule this country again. They feel 30 years is more than enough. The country will live and develop under any ruler because it is a natural course. Gayoom must not take all credit for the visible development, but he must feel sorry and apologise for the losses and cracks in our national foundation the affects of which we are now suffering because of his long rule and desire to dominate power by his family.
Dear Waheed,
There was news you have been endorsed to be a member of the important Police Integrity Commission and you are likely to head it. Do you think you can remain independent while you run this blog with your thinking and ideas? Would you continue with the blog? You should have stayed an idependent political analyst. We will will miss some great reading and learning if you stop writing and your blog. Ugulhey
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